Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Has occurred to you that the Repub party has been wailing about opening up drilling all over the Atlantic coast and in Alaska for years, never worried about despoiling American beaches, tourism, animal and plant life, the economy of the beaches. And too bad about the wilderness of Alaska. Wilderness is overrated anyway don't you think?

And we have a preznit who cuddles up with the oil industry for 8 years, letting them set policy for America's energy. Mysteriously, the price of oil triples, crippling the American economy. The solution, let us drill those wells. Wells that will have no impact on gasoline prices for a decade at best, still with all the downside that I have already mentioned.

Even Newt Gingrich suggests that we "transistion" to Hydrogen cars. He suggests it will take many years. Meanwhile the Japanese are already rolling out Hydrogen powered cars. About 5 grand more than our current models, but hey, no polution, no dependence on foreign or domestic oil. Hydrocarbons no longer needed. Arabs go broke. Only problem in the U.S. is no hydrogen stations. Couldn't we take the subsidies we are giving to the oil industry and build hydrogen plants and stations with that money? Oh right. The preznit is in bed with the oil industry.

Time to roll these boys out of bed.


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