Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wow! I missed the coded message. But millions did not. When John McCain called Barack Obama "The One" in a recent television advertisement, followed by footage of Charlton Heston as Moses, parting the waters of the Red Sea. He was not saying "Obama thinks he is a messiah figure." Rather, he was referring to the series of books Left Behind, which appeal to rightwing fundamentalist Christians who interpret the book of Revelations as a prophecy about how the world will come to an end and how Jesus will return to earth to reign. Now the book of Revelations has absolutely nothing to do with any of that. It is a coded book of history about things that were going on in the first century. The things have already happened and are over. But the fundamentalist wing of millinnialism has the future all mapped out and they use their "interpretations" of Revelation to make their plans. Sects of these guys are the people who every year or so gather on hillside waiting to be taken into heaven on someone's prophesy. They go home disappointed. The Left Behind books feature an evil character, the Anti-Christ, and guess what he is called--"the One." He is the leader of an evil world religion that promises to heal great divides.

So McCain called Obama "The One" and then played back speechs of Obama where he speaks of healing the nation.

The message. "I'm with you, fundamentalists. Obama is evil. He may be the embodiment of evil. He may be Satan himself." But I'll protect you.

Well I'll say this. If Obama is the anti-Christ, he'll win for sure. No worries.


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