Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain picks a pro-choice, NRA member, drill, drill, drill, 44 year old, mother of five, including a down syndrome child, former beauty queen . . . as his running mate? Before being governor of Alaska for almost 2 years, she was mayor of one of America's smallest towns. Her husband works in the oil industry on the north slope. This is the best pick for a job where the primary responsibility is that you are a heartbeat away from the presidency. And McCain would be our oldest president elected to a first term (nearly four years older than Reagan). He has reoccuring melanoma skin cancer, bad colesterol numbers. Not really the picture of health. Can you see this vice president assuming duties of the presidency and conducting the war in Iraq, staring down Vladimir Putin, making decisions about America's economy, health care, and education? There is no one more qualified? Did all the decent people see it as a lost cause and turn him down. No Romney? No Huckabee?

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The Democratic National Convention was like nothing else I have ever seen in the way of conventions. Night after night it was mesmerizing with brilliant speeches and a clear unified purpose. Last night's production in the stadium was a masterpiece. It is impossible to put on a show like that. The film introducing Barack Obama was just amazing. Did you hear the opening music and make the association with the music in Cast Away, of Tom Hanks standing at the crossroads, looking one way and then another. Could you hear the unspoken question--America at the crossroads, which way do we go?


And what a speech. Depend on John McCain's judgement? Well probably not. It's Obama time. Now let's turn over the senate too and get some work done.

I was concerned that McCain seemed to be so close in the polls to Obama. Obviously he wasn't that close because this is clearly a desperate move. All the eggs are in one basket and that's picking up disaffected Hillary voters.


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