Sunday, August 24, 2008

What follows is a comment posted in the on the article "Analysis: Why the Home Debate Matters." It is interesting because Obama would actually help this person, providing tax relief, reducing the national debt, thus freeing up money for the mortagages and small businesses. This guy is another representative of the 28%ers--people who still support the Republican Party point of view and George Bush 44. The article has many comments with similar invective.

"The Democratic Party is extremely misguided - they are deceiving themselves into believing that they can make up for history by voting for Obama - what a joke.

The democrats want to nominate a black so badly - Jim Crow happened, slavery happened - voting for an underqualified cocaine snorting empty suit slimy fish Obama is not going to help race relations.

If ANYTHING, Obama's campaign tactics have HURT RACE RELATIONS IN THIS COUNTRY. Obama is not even a descendent of slaves. Obama is simply trading off the REAL SLAVE DESCENDENTS - Obama comes from a BLACK MUSLIM SOCIALIST FAMILY.

The Democratic Party is jumping and gushing at Obama who has no experience in running anything not even a dog catching department and no economic experience except for buying cocaine -

Can anyone please explain this CLEAR DELUSION?

The democrats have not noticed yet that Obama is a Black Muslim whose father was a Socialist and Obama is probably a great deal closer to being a Socialist himself than most people imagine."


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