Monday, November 03, 2008

I'm going to say Obama 55% McCain 43%. No democratic candidate has gotten this high of a percentage in 40+ years. This will qualify as a landslide. About 350 electoral votes.

59 senators who caucus with democrats, 57 demo 2 independent
There will be runoffs in Minnesota and Georgia. Georgia will go Repub, Minn. to the Democrats.

McCain is losing because he has little substance. He chose Sarah Palin because she is an icon for women, but she has only one tenth the substance of McCain. He's for something different every day. Mostly he's against something new about Obama every day. Obama's a muslim, a socialist, a communist, a Kenyan.

Actually Obama is a brilliant intellectual with a heart for American people. He has surrounded himself with brilliant people. He is calm in the midst of trumoil. He is so organized that he has won the presidency without any reasonable chance that he would do so. He wants to make government work. If you think about it, government should work. It should serve. It should defend those who are defenseless.

McCain crashed 3 U.S. aircraft and flew another one through powerlines causing a blackout in Spain. People don't ususally get to keep flying U.S. aircraft if they crash them. One crash per pilot is the rule. But McCain's daddy said he was untouchable, so he was. Family connections got him into and out of Annapolis. He didn't deserve to be there. He didn't deserve to graduate. Same thing for his appointment to the War College after his return from being a POW. I wonder if he did any studying there either. No wonder his campaign has been so helter skelter. And he is the best the Repubs could offer. Palin 2012. Let's hope for that.

Another subject:
Why should taxes be highest on the richest people? Because they benefit most from public projects. If you a selling widgets nationwide and you become rich, your money comes from the availability of publicly funded infrastructure, roads, rails, air planes. Great wealth is fine. It comes not from hard work, but from hard work and from America's capitalism. If you are rewarded with wealth, the greedy think they deserve all the money. Actually America deserves most of it. They deserve enough to make it interesting, but they owe a great debt in return.


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