Thursday, September 03, 2009

No "argument" that I have heard so far against a national healthcare coverage plan has been a serious idea for discussion. The right wing won't discuss healthcare for everyone as a possibility. They are fearful of the redistribution of the pie. Years and years ago, I sat in chapel at Southern Seminary listening to Duke McCall speak. I can't remember what he was talking about exactly, but he used a profound example that I remember often. It was an example that was about pie. He said that many people fear that if the poor are going to have pie, then they will take a portion of their pie. They have worked hard and earned their pie. They feel they deserve their pie. They do not wish to share with drug addicts, no accounts, thieves, and rascals who could have pie if they would just straighten up and fly right for a change. Duke said the answer was not to redistribute the pie. The answer was to make more pie. He was of the "more pie" philosophy and so am I.

The right tells us that we have the best healthcare in the world, yet thousands die every year, deaths that would have been preventable if the person had any health care. Our system is not the best in the world. No one but right wing Americans rank it as the best. Capitalism and healthcare have not mixed well except for drug company and insurance company executives.

Socialized medicine will be a disaster. They will kill Grandma.

I suppose socialized fire protection has been a disaster? Would it be much better if we all had our own fire insurance companies to call when our house was ablaze? Of course some fires would not be covered and no one would respond. And fire insurance execs would make 15 million a year.

I suppose socialized police protection has been a disaster too. Everyone knows that crime would be much lower if we all hired our own personal police. Everyone's policy would cost a different amount. Many people couldn't get coverage because their neighborhoods would just be too dangerous.

I suppose it would be terrible if we had socialized road building. That would be a disaster. Roads wouldn't go anywhere and they'd all be falling apart if they were socialized. Lucky we can have capitalism driven roads paid for by the people who live on each street. Oh wait, that's how it was in pioneer days when they were up to their axles in mud. It was that old rightwinger Eisenhower who thought up the interstate highway system. I always thought of him as a commie.

I sure hope we don't ever go to socialized emergency response. The government would totally mess that up. A single responder idea! What a joke. Like just dial 911 and someone would come immediately to help. No way we could afford something like that. Ridiculous.

And socialized healthcare would surely fail too. It would be the end of us all. Just look at how poorly medicare is run now. Oh wait. Medicare is rated higher by its participants than private health insurance, higher by 20% than private insurance.

So all of this stuff in the media is for show. Scare the people and maybe they'll vote Republicans back to power to steal more of America's treasures for the rich. That's what happened in '94. The Republicans are still crooks and liars, America. Don't listen to them.


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