Monday, May 23, 2005

It was hot today. That's good. There is officially nothing left in the old house. I recruited some football players to help me move the piano today and took it over to the school. Basically it is a hunk of junk, but we can use it in a practice room there for section rehearsals. I've made some good friends with my boys and they were anxious to help me. The three seniors helping are going to UGA, MIT, and playing football at UCONN in the fall. Not bad.

The wife had weird dreams last night, dreaming we were getting married, at our current ages and her parents were there as angels and looked about our age. Long dream with lots of details. How come I never remember anything I dream? If someone knows they should leave a comment. But then I guess almost no one will ever actually read my blog because I don't write everyday.

I miss some of my seniors. And the absense of some is a balm on my life.

Will the filibuster be taken out of the United States Senate tomorrow? It's okay with me if they do that but I hope the Democrats have the guts to absolutely stall every piece of business until it is put back in place. I mean it isn't that easy to work in the senate anyway, but it can actually be impossible, if say for instance, every vote has to be a roll call vote. Unanimous consent doesn't have to exist at all. If you tell the minority party that you don't care what they think and that you won't compromise with them on anything, why should they help you govern? It looks like it would be their role at that junction to do everything possible to ruin the life of the majority party.

How come everyone from the Atlanta Journal to the AARP has 13 programs that shore up social security, but the Republican Party doesn't have one?

Sarah, dogs can be great, or an enormous burden and impossible. Sorry about Leo. Sometimes things just don't work out.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks. It's strange -- as soon as I took him back, I sort of missed him.

I never remember my dreams either. Well, maybe once in a blue moon, but even when I do, they're always very normal dreams, like me running errands or something boring.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Rae said...

Everyone reads your blog, Dad.

You have lots of questions today.

Dreams: Typically people who dream reach a point of REM sleep and whether or not you remember the dream or not depends upon you. Sometimes you can consciously tell you subconscious to remember and you will (at least Jung thinks so anyway). Several factors come into play when I find that I dream the most (I must get it from my Mom! I still remember my dreams from when I was little!). First, my body is on a time clock and if I am consistent on my time to bed and my time to rise without any breaks for sequencial nights, I will remember my dreams. Second, if I am comfortable in a bed, I will remember my dreams. If I am at camp or a sleepover or a hotel, I typically will not remember. Sometimes though I will recognize that I have been dreaming without any descriptors. These are some things that my professor at ASC taught me because he wanted all of us to start a dream journal for his project he was working on, on the side. Strangly enough they seem to work. Dr. Webb. He had the best tests. I think if you were to look at my scores from school, you would notice a consistency of "A's" in his classes. Imagine that, me making an A in college!

To answer your question probably don't remember your dreams because you are not in touch with your unconsciousness, which means you are disjointed from the collective unconscious. (Jung)

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

Is it good or bad that I'm not in touch with my unconscious? I can remember a few dreams from when I was little, but nothing lately. Maybe I moved and my unconscious has lost touch?


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