Monday, June 27, 2005

Our government is picking people up off the street in foreign countries, hand cuffing them, blindfolding them, and shipping out of their own country to Guantanamo, where it holds them without trial, without charges, without a lawyer, and treats them however it wants to. It is not club med. They may not be coming home, ever. Some of them are innocent.

Remember when you have heard of other governments who "disappeared" people? Wasn't that one of Saddam's crimes? His enemies "disappeared" without charges, without trial? What's happening to our country? Don't we all share responsibility for this behavior? Who is the architect of this behavior? How can we say it is okay? Skip over extradition and foreign governments. How long till American citizens disappear and are charged as terrorists?

For details, check out and read his June 26th blog. Shouldn't this be on the front page of the newspaper?


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