Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm seeing this all over the internet.

"President Bush embarks on the promised "hit back," in a Veterans Day speech in which he said: "It is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how the war began. More than 100 Democrats in the House and the Senate who had access to the same intelligence voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power."

The point of these remarks by the president is that democrats viewed the intelligence just like him and supported him. So there. THE TRUTH IS, the democrats viewed the intelligence he showed to them, intelligence he told them was true, intelligence that Colin Powell swore on, and then they fell in line. The further truth is that the intelligence was fixed and the preznit and his cronies were the ones who fixed it. Now they continue to stymie any investigation of how intelligence was used in the lead up to the war. It is clear already that the main push to war was supported by information known to be false to the administration and by claims of informants who were listed as "not credible."

An aside to Carter and friends.
James is sucking you into dialogue based on comments by James Taranto. James says that the internet site he runs is the best news source available in his opinion. James Taranto gave all the credit for the horror of the aftermath of Katrinia to local and state democratic authorities. That's how reliable a source Taranto is. I loved the quote he used.

Finally, with the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the country hit rock bottom:. . . Blessedly, 25 years ago today, it came to an end with the election of Ronald Reagan and the dawn of the age of confident conservatism.

To say that Mr. Carter's presidency was a rock bottom time for America is stupid beyond belief. I was a graduate student during those days and got my first full time job during the Carter administration. There were negative things in the news: inflation and high interest rates, hostages held by another country with whom we had no diplomatic relations. But the country was holding together thank you very much. It was not the depression years of the 30's with people roaming the streets begging for scraps of food, it was not Dec. 8, 1941. It was not the 50's in the south where black men were hanged by mobs if someone said they raised their head and looked at a white woman as she passed by. It was certainly not the pre-civil war America that embraced slavery. I think James' source for the best news in the country might be a little off calling the Carter administration, rock bottom in our country's history. Having said that, you can be sure that the "dawn of confident conservatism" that follow is also a huge load of crapola.

If you do some studey on Taranto, you'll find out that he is one of the Republican party hitmen. His job is to slaughter anyone in the media who dares to offer any criticism to the right. He doesn't address the criticism, he simply attacks the messenger. A quote I found on the net follows:

a key part of Taranto's modus operandi, namely, smear the critics, but never discuss the merits of the criticism.

As for Mr. Reagan, he just happened to be sleeping in the Oval Office when Mr. Gorbachov came to power and released the iron curtain countries from their bonds. If he was resposible for the fall of communism then by the same logic, the current preznit must be responsible for 911. I haven't seen any Republicans saying that.


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