Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Going to see I Walk the Line tomorrow with a student who is June Carter Cash's cousin. It will be fun to get her families perspective on the movie version of the life since they grew up with them in real life.

We are trying to make our Christmas stuff fit into the new house. Were do you put this or that? Things that had their own space in the old house must be completely redone here. We had to buy a ton of garland for all the staircase railing we have in this place. I need a tree that is 8 feet 9 inches tall and less than five feet across, but it is a little early to buy a tree. Once we start back to school though all will be chaos until Christmas.

Mrs. G is having fun playing her refurbished flute. We have never had it worked on in 35 years and now it is completely done over. And it plays well so she is playing. It is a remarkable sound. Why doesn't she play all of the time? We listened to Horowitz play at Carnegie Hall today, that is a recording of him from 1978. He was 75 at the time and playing the impossible Rachmaninoff 3rd concerto. It sounded like two people were playing the piano. How did he do that? Actually I have a vinyl recording of him playing that. I've got to get a phonograph player that works again. My records are calling me.

I read that middleschoolers in American communities don't consider oral sex to intimacy, but rather just some kind of foreplay. I read that my government, led by the preznit and vice preznit, thinks that torture of our captured enemies should be condoned. Suddenly the sex doesn't seem to be such a problem. If torture is okay with us then we stand for nothing. We are supposed to be better than that. If we stand for nothing, if we are morally bankrupt, how do we dare have the audacity to lecture anyone about anything, much less start a war against people who have done nothing to hurt us, because they might try to hurt us someday. I'm still waiting for someone in the government to spell out why we are in Iraq today. Not why we went, but after finding out that our intelligence was all mistaken, why are we still there? Face it. We are in Iraq because we are the biggest, baddest cat in the alley. Nobody in the world likes it, but what can they do about it. That kind of strutting about makes the current administration feel important.

I must go see Harry Potter soon to take my mind off serious matters entirely.


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