Saturday, February 04, 2006

It's not that they are stupid. They are not. But I'm a teacher and I can tell you, mostly, no matter what you are saying, people aren't listening. You've got to hum a pretty catchy tune to catch their attention these days because there is a lot vying for their ears.

I can't figure out why in the greatest country in the history of the planet, that universal health care shouldn't be a right. Can't we afford it? They have it in other countries. How come they can afford it? These countries don't seem bankrupt. Could we have universal health care so little kids could go to the doctor instead of coming to school too sick to learn, and still have some special treatment for rich people who pay something extra or have special insurance. That way they can have their elective surgery whenever they want and feel privileged. Isn't part of the problem with universal health care that rich people don't want to go to doctor's with poor patients? They want someone better than that.

I'll say it again. Why can't we have universal health care? How much would it cost? Let's put in all the money that people are currently paying for health care and then tax everyone, including the rich, one percent on everything they earn, stocks, dividends, salaries, bonuses. . .everything. Do you think we'd have enough money then? I'll bet we would.

Why the hue and cry to cut taxes for the rich again? I make pretty good money. But I'd pay more for universal health care.

Hey I'd pay more for government support of the arts. You don't ever hear about opera singers going postal and shooting people at the opera house.

I have a great crop of singers that are about to graduate. I try not to think about graduation until April. I start getting sad when I think about them leaving me. Some of them are blooming at just the right time. That happens. Seniors seem to develop a better grasp of the production than they had when they were younger. For the first time I have two outstanding boys going on to be music majors this year. They both will do very well. There are good girls too. Four should be going on to major in music, but only 2 are auditioning. A third is thinking about it. The fourth has heard the call of public policy. Well I get that. But singing is better in the long run.

A junior is setting the pace though. Never had anything like this kid. She understands vocal technique. She can do it without coaching. We work on music, not technique. She gives me chills.

It's a rainy night in Georgia.


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