Saturday, June 24, 2006

Capitalism is what generates the amazing wealth of our country.

Yet, it does not turn out to be an equitable system. There must be some checks on it. The ever increasing poor and the shrinking middle class are taxed to death on their only wealth, the sweat of their brow, first by income tax and then by sales taxes. They struggle on.

The rich however, get richer. Rather than take a salary, they take say . . . stock, or stock options. There is no tax on their dividends any longer. The congress didn't think that was fair. So your income is taxed, theirs is not.

Or perhaps they have a trustfund. It makes money. Big money. But it does not pay taxes. Perhaps it buys land. Some of our congressmen have recently made killings on land deals. When the uber rich get old and pass away they want to transfer their largess to heirs with no penalties. So the house of representatives if working hard to make that possible for them. The monies that are being passed on have never been taxed and they are certainly gifts or income for the uber rich who will inherit them, but there is no income tax for these people. Only for you and me. The poor pay. The rich go on vacation.

The New York Times has more.


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