Saturday, June 17, 2006 made some clear points the other day. With the Republican Party going all out into their campaign mode, "hurray for war, Bush smiling in Bagdad." Folks everything really is about Bush.

Digby's points:

Remember: Bush really is incompetent. And the American public sees it now.

Remember: Bush really has governed above the law. And the the American public understands that now.

Remember: Bush has bogged this nation down in an insane war. And the American public understands that now.

Remember: Bush does not have a genuine plan to deal with Iraq, nor is he capable of creating and implementing one. People are dying because he doesn't know what he's doing. And the American public understands that now.

Remember: Bush's supreme callousness and negligence led to the hiring of the incompetents in charge of FEMA during Katrina. And the American public knows it.

back to me:

So if we can stay on track and not chase rabbits that will be released daily to the media, and promoted by the Republican faux-media machine, it should be clear to voters that the preznit can be stopped in his tracks by the vote in fall.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger NYC Educator said...

I wish I could agree. They're very clever, expert at devising phony wedge issues, and seem to be in bed with the developers of the black-box untraceable voting machines.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

NYC Educator. Thanks again for your comments. I remember sitting in my car listening to election returns in 1994 and being stunned by the conservative tide that threw the Democrats out of power. I'm hoping and praying for an unexpected upheaval this time too. The pollsters had no idea what was going to happen that year. They predicted about 1/3 of the turnover that occurred. Lightning strikes when the American public begins to see clearly and I believe they finally realize that this emperor has no clothes.


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