Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Okay. It is absolutely clear to everyone isn't it, that the preznit's historic first veto today was part of a scam put together by the GOP, all for the purpose of letting some of the Republicans in close races in the fall say, "I'm in favor of stem cell research"? "See I voted for it back in July." It moves those few senators over toward the center. Oh and too bad, they were three votes short of a majority that could overturn the veto. Are you kidding me or what? Are we supposed to buy this for a second?

Easy to vote for it when you are assured before you begin that it won't go through. That way the wingnuts don't get their dander up. The preznit protected them. He's their guy. A win/win situation.

It is only political posturing. They better hope they have their vote stealing machine working for November because they are going to need it.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Reality-Based Educator said...

I hope this veto comes back to bite them. I can understand the pro-life point of view to an extent. But I don't get why embryonic stem cell research is "murder" when so many of these frozen fertility clinics embryos never grow past the embryo stage.

I did love how the Chicago tribune put to rest the Karl Rove line that adult stem cell research was much more productive than embryonic. The tribune found 12 stem cell researchers, even a few who believe emrytonic stem cell research is wrong, and ALL 12 said Rove's statement was flat out wrong.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

Don't get me wrong. I think every abortion is a tragic situation. But why should the government be involved? Why should I decide for you? And as for an embryo being a person. . . that seems to be quite a stretch. I saw that Albert Moehler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is preaching pretty hard against contraception in general. He thinks fornicators should have consequences. The ultimate result of this mindset is that women should be pregnant as often as possible, following the idea that pregnant and barefoot is God's will for them. He calls sex with contraception "irresponsible sex." I haven't done any research into his personal life, but I'm wondering if he has 14 children at home. Does he put his money where his mouth is?

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Reality-Based Educator said...

With a world population of over 6 billion Moehler actually thinks sex with contraception is "irresponsible sex"? And he's running the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and training ministers?



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