Wednesday, September 13, 2006

After six years of unfettered Republican government, what have they accomplished?

Isn't this the fundamental question? You rule the congress, the white house, and the supreme court. There have been very few times in our history when that has been the case. You would expect things to really move. We should be able to see without question what Republicans wish to accomplish. Republican ideas and goals for the future of America are on display for the world to see. What are their gains? How has the country benefited from their leadership? How has government helped those who need help the most? How are the elderly, the poor, the children doing? Better than ever before in our history? How are the middle class?

How is our economy doing under their leadership? Is it a boom time? Expanding markets? Has the engine of war created a rising tide to float all boats? Who is doing better? Is anyone doing worse?

How about our moral compass? Are we leading the world with a Christian moral leadership? Do we set the bar high and challenge the other countries of the world to come up to our standards?

Sadly, when you think about these questions, you are overwhelmed. Drug companies have a windfall, and oil companies. The poor fall behind, the middle class has fallen behind. The soldiers are dying and no one knows why, or under what circumstances they can stop dying. What would be victory?

I wonder if we could have only had a war in Afganistan and actually captured Osama bin Laden. Did we need to rout the paper tiger of Iraq and begin an occupation there to further Republican ideals of a democratic middle east? Did we need that?

What has been spent? The enormous capital of sentiment that the world gave us following September 11, 2001, has been spent. The surpluses of a frugal democratic leadership have been spent. The assurance of minority rights in this country has been lost. The belief that elections in America were free and fair is no longer.

We are now ruled by the emperor and Darth Cheny.

Hasn't the campaign push that is developing for this election been astounding. The mini series on "It was Clinton's fault." How funny. When the enemy attacks on your watch. It's your fault. Everyone forgave them for that. No one has made an issue of it. It was a surprise.

And all the speechifying by the big four glorifying the war on terror in Iraq? There just is no war on terror. But the wildest thing I've ever seen is the miraculous drop in gas prices. Never seen such coordination between oil companies and the government before. But of course, if they can keep Republicans in power, perhaps they can plunder Alaska and the gulf without fear and charge $5 a gallon until the next election, when a reduction to $4 a gallon will seem a bargain.


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