Friday, September 08, 2006

The stops are pulled out and the Republican organ is beginning to blast its election rhetoric. Mysteriously, gasoline prices are plummeting. They aren't approaching the $1.41 a gallon that they were a year or so ago, but after the shock of $3.00 a gallon gas, $2.45 makes you thing all is right with the world doesn't it? Let's vote Republican again. They have things on the right track now! And the new ABC movie will show clearly that 9/11 is all Bill Clinton's fault. Nothing will be said on ABC about the fact that many of the implications have already been shown to be false repeatedly. The movie trumpets as many Republican falsehoods as it can. It's sort of like the stuff of urban legend. Get more info here.

There's more on the subject here.

All four of the administration's big dogs, Condie, Donnie, Dead eye Dick, and lil Georgie are all out getting red in the face, stamping their feet and working the campaign trails. These "just trust me," "stay the course," "and we won't come back, till it's over over there," "the war in Iraq is the war on terror," "of course there were weapons of mass destruction, they were just slipped over the border the week before the invasion," diatribes are pretty sadly packaged stuff. It has always worked before for Georgie to work the smoke and flash the lights at the palace in Oz. Everyone trembles and falls down before him.

I took some heart from the guy on the news yesterday. He was fiftysomething and a die hard Republican. He said he had never voted for a Democratic candidate in his life, but in November he was going into the voting booth and vote for every Democrat on the ticket. Shiney. He's clear on the fact that there is no war in Iraq. We have an occupying army there trying vainly to support American style democracy for a country that includes near stoneage cultures. He's clear on the fact that the preznit has authorized torture and illegal wiretaps on Americans. He's clear that there are and never were any Iraq/terror connections. The message is getting through.


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