Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It is exciting to see your students go on and flourish. I am still astonished at hearing one of my Mezzos in her junior recital last week. I pulled her parents aside when she was 15 to tell them that this was a special voice. Her current teacher spoke with me afterward to say "Everyone say's she's going to have a major career." I believe she will.

There is also a joy in witnessing the week to week changes of those who are still in my charge. At times there are pauses where not much progress is made, but at other time the break the bonds of tension and find their voices.

I've sent 35 students out to be college voice majors. Some have turned away from the program, but others are now professionals in Nashville, New Orleans, Chicago, Baton Rouge. Bravo.

I like my fantasy baseball team but they are certainly not fast starters! We are out of the gate in 6th place. : (


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