Monday, August 13, 2007

I think it is time for a people's revolt against the war in Iraq. It was a bad idea based on false information, put forward for political purposes, that is, to enhance presidential power and solidify the country behind Republican leadership. Their goal was a "permanent" Republican majority. The Republican party has attacked the news media in unprecedented ways and created an alternate reality with FOX News that resembles the reality of Pravda and Tass in the former Soviet Union.

This whole "I am a war president" idea is ridiculous. An attack on a paper tiger by the world's only military superpower is not a war. It was a slaughter. Someone will total it up someday and we'll be humilitated. American losses: 3500 military and 1500 mercenary civilians. Iraqi losses: 35,000 military and 600,000 civilian. Sadaam couldn't hold a candle to us in efficiency of killing.

Our ideas about war come from WWII--our fathers or grandfathers war. Even there we misunderstand what war is. The educated will know that just over 407,300 Americam military lost their lives. But oddly, we think that WWII was fought in Europe and in the Pacific. Incorrect. WWII was fought in Asia.
The losses by China and the Soviet Union total 43,200,000. Oh there was plenty of slaughter in eastern Europe too, 5,000,000 killed in Poland alone, over 18 % of the population of Poland was killed. One in five died. I'm afraid we don't know much about war. We are insulated from it. We shed a tear on memorial day, but we are not wracked with the pain of war. And our memory of the horror is carried by the soldiers only, not by the population. We have not been afraid to walk on our streets.

Our war president has not raised a military force to fight against terror. He has not protected us from terrorists. He has not sealed the borders, galvanized our country to fight, organized the inspection of the ports, or called for conscription of our sons. He has merely blown up Iraq's infrastructure and thrown 150,000 of America's finest into a desert occupation where they serve as targets for insurgents (the American revolution comes to mind). In the process he has shredded the U.S. Constitution and brought us low in the eyes of the world. There is not even a definition of winning other than "withdrawing troops when someone besides George Bush is president." A political victory for the "decider."

It's time for a revolution. The Republicans are gearing up their media machines to say the war is going well now and we must stay to promote democracy in the middle east. They are saying that withdrawal will lead to chaos and murder in Iraq. They are saying it time to bomb Iran. But remember all they said before was a lie. Why would you think they would tell the truth now. They are lying now, too. The war is not going better and Iraq will not dissolve when we withdraw. Come on Democratic Congress. Pitch a fit. Stop the mania. Let's march on the Whitehouse or all over the country. A day of mourning for the Bush presidency.


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