Thursday, August 09, 2007

There is nothing that feeds the soul like friends. Morgan, Karen, and Seabie came over yesterday afternoon and evening. I cooked out hamburgers and we looked at their pictures of Italy on Morgan's new computer. She is off to UGA on Saturday. She is staying on the south campus in the Honor's community. That's a cool place to be, though a lot of her classes will be a hike from there.

Okay let's just say that the heat has become unbearable. Dad said it was 103 in the shade yesterday in Waycross. I think it was 99 here and the air thick like a blanket. It has been that way for days. It hasn't been this hot in a sustained burst like this in many years. And there's no relief in sight.

I'm clinging on to first place in fantasy baseball, but everyone is improving their teams. I have a three and a half point lead to hold for 7 weeks. I can already see some losses coming. It will be close. Somehow Dougouts always manage to come in first. He traded some of his pitching largess for Tuh share uh last night. He probably picks up three points in homers with that move.

Another generation of seniors is moving on in the next two weeks. They are off to Clemson, GA, LSU, and everywhere else. It leaves quite a whole in my heart when they go. You see them rarely after they leave.


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