Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Okay. I've been to college, and been to college, and been to college. That's what you have to do to get a doctorate. I've met people with doctorates who I felt couldn't communicate clearly (that is, they couldn't give directions to the corner store). I've met people with doctorates who seemed bumfuzzled. If they understood what they were saying, good, but it was way way over my head. I know the cliches about having "book sense" but no "common sense." There are enough absent-minded professors to keep that going. I've met people with doctorates who had so many personal problems that they couldn't really function in society.

However, on the whole, people with this much education tend to be pretty sharp people. They can analyze, synthesize, interpret, communicate, illuminate, teach. They are scholars--they can do research and discover "new" knowledge. These are the kind of people you want to run the country--not "C" students who barely escaped college with undergraduate degrees. I went to college over and over, without ever making a "C." I either made an "A" or almost made an "A" in every class. "C" students have the same number of "D"s as "B"s and as many "F"s as "A"s. George Bush was a "C" student. John McCain is a bottom of the class guy. To get grades like this you have to have some problems. Either you are: dumb, drunk or stoned most of the time, totally disinterested in learning anything, expecting something for nothing (a degree for no work), too immature to live on your own and take care of your life, or mentally disabled. I can't think of any other choices.

The newspapers say that America wants a "regular guy" to be president rather than some elite ivy league graduate, surely not the editor of the Harvard Law Review. To that I say, "Wake up and smell the coffee, America." The good ole boy, shotgun toting Texan, with bad manners and no smarts has not been good for us. It has set the country back to have gone into needless war because of our pride and bravura. We needed to beat someone up because we had taken a beating. We needed to kill lots of Arabs. A disaster. Our economy is a shambles, our infrastructure crumbling, pension plans disappearing (invest in the stock market--right!), social security unfunded, the national debt overwhelming and sold to China, security remains lax, regulatory agencies stripped of power, our armies depleted, our veterans abandoned, our schools overwhelmed and underfunded. Eight years of neglect.

This time let's elect the smart guy.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Rae said...

I just finished having this arguement with a gal in my Amer. History Class, except it had a slightly different tone. It wasn't about smart and not. It was about regular and not.

Presidents are elite. George Washington was a land owner. The only people who could vote initially were white land owners which meant essentially, the rich got elected. Many of our founders were overly educated. Some of the signatories of the Declaration had two and three degrees from random parts of Europe. They could afford the education. The "regular guy" (or gal) could not on a financial level or quite possibly would not on an intellect level be able to get the education.

The prez is not going to be a regular guy/gal. It is going to be someone elite. To be honest, I don't want someone regular in that position. I want someone who knows what is going on, knows how to handle globally intense situations.

Presidents are never going to know the price of milk. It's not going to happen. They are going to know how to bring the price of milk back down or how to level out the economy so that we can afford the milk. That's what I want. I don't want a regular person. I want a president.


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