Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I am pleased that democratic candidates did so well in yesterday's election. Yet . . . I am amazed that Alaskans may have elected a convicted felon rather than vote for any democrat. (I see their logic. Elect Stephens, the Senate expells him and he goes to jail, Palin appoints herself to fill his seat and gets to go to Washington after all. But yech! How convoluted and sad).

I am amazed that white voters in Georgia, Alabama, SC, TN, the old south, voted against Obama in such numbers. Their cousins in the north and west voted overwhelmingly for Obama. The big difference in the groups is 230 years of racial hatred in the south.

I am sad that in all likelihood repubs will block vote trying to obstruct every change that the democrats put forward in the Senate. I believe that if the repubs want to filibuster, the democrats should make them actually do it. Make those old guys stand in the floor of the Senate hour after hour. Make it a brutally difficult physical exercise. Make them pay with a week long filibuster and then two days later, put them back out there again. Break the rascals down. The only real power of the democrats will be the power of appointment to the beauracracy that is government. Perhaps the democrats can trade pork to repubs for their votes to change our government.

It now appears that 200,000 + people came out to Obama's block party in Grant Park. After the party, police reported that they arrested . . . no one.

You can be sure that the repubs are already preparing to attack this new administration as they attacked the Clintons. Soon you'll hear nothing but Barack the socialist, communist, muslim, anti-American, baby-killing, racist president. Hopefully, like the boy who cried "Wolf!" They will have no audience this go around. And hopefully President Obama will do so well that the racists will begin to admit that "that black man did okay."


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