Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nothing but retribution.

The current wailing in the congress by Republicans against any bailout of the auto industry is just payback to the United Auto Workers Union for supporting Barack Obama. The treasury department just got $700,000,000,000 from the same people with hardly any complaint to help keep bankers and hedgefunds afloat. Senator Shelby from Alabama was not on TV every other day advocating that we just let those banks fail. But now he is on full scale attack. Well he's angry that his party has been reduced so greatly by the recent elections and that the UAW backed the democrats. Now he has the chance to hurt the UAW, perhaps even break their back, by simply stalling what is an inevitable rescue plan for automakers. Truthfully, they were making a profit in the first quarter of 2008 but with the downturn they have dropped 40%. I talked with a Lexus dealer who is a friend last week and asked him how was business. He said "We are down 40%, just like everyone else." Shelby also doesn't point out that he has 4 non-union auto manufacturing plants in his state that will benefit by hard times for Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors.

Retribution and payback is business as usual for Repub politicians. So no lesson was learned by their massive defeats in the last two elections. They are still playing the same games.

As for the lies put forward that the autoworkers are making $77 an hour, see the real scoop here.


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