Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It is pretty amusing that Republicans have so much to say after the recent election. Some of them, I’ll have to admit, are practicing a little silence. Thank you all for that. But many of the others are rattling on as if what they have to say is important. Let’s be clear, the only Republicans in the Federal government that have any power at all are the thirty something Republican Senators. If they end up with 41 votes, and it is likely that they will, then they are the only Republicans that may have something to say for the next two years. The democrats have taken a thrashing from Republicans since 1994, but this convincing electoral victory has them in position to do what they want.

I keep seeing recommendations for Republicans in the cabinet--John McCain as Secretary of Defense? Keep Gates as Sec. of Def? Colin Powell for Education Secretary? Sunday’s news shows listed shortlists of potential candidates. Oddly these lists were almost all white men. I think they missed the point of the election. Get ready to see some women. Get ready to see some color.

I hear on TV and see in the press that America is a “center-right” country. If that were true, wouldn’t we have elected John McCain. Isn’t he center-right? Conservative columnist David Brooks (NYT) says today that there was no movement to the left in this election. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Whew! He said he is hoping for meaningful dialogue between parties. (But why David? The Repubs have frozen out the Democrats for a decade. Why should the dems play nice now?) Brooks says “The Obama administration of my dreams . . . [wi]ll invite GOP leaders to the White House for real meetings and then reinvite them, even if they give hostile news conferences on the White House driveway.” It sounds like David is advocating that the Obama administration remain calm and include everyone while the Repubs continue to act like children and throw temper tantrums in their front yard. Oh sure, that sounds wonderful.

Georgia Representative Paul Broun (R) is also in the paper today, saying about Obama, “I’m just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may . . . have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism.” He speaks for Obama’s call for civil service by all young Americans by saying “That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany . . .” Come on Rep. Broun, get your metaphors straightened out. Is Obama Marxist or Facist? Broun also said he believes Obama will move to ban gun ownership. Sheeeeeesh. Don’t these guys every shut up? The election is over, you can quit your campaigning. Paul Broun is a Republican in the House of Representatives. He’s going to be 80 votes on the losing side of every issue, possibly for the rest of his political career. He can shut up and sit down now.

Let’s say this. Any offerings democrats give to repubs, meetings, offices, deference of any kind, is an undeserved kindness. Bush has clearly used the work "bi-partisan" to mean "Do it my way or else." The Republican party marginalized itself through corrupt and incompetent governing and it is not the Democratic party’s responsibility to console them and freely offer them another chance to have a role in this government. If they behave themselves and work hard, if they show good faith instead of throwing tantrums and threatening to kill the President, then maybe. But right now, they just don’t play nice and they should be pushed out of the school yard like the bullies they have been.

This is not the time for Republican advice to Barack Obama.


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