Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okay it is downright cold out there and is supposed to get colder all day! We are looking for a low of 11 tonight and about the same tomorrow night. That is going to test my furnace and R value of our home's insulation.

Our Governor is just about as incompetent, corrupt, and evil as our outgoing president. His new policies for this year include cutting another hundred million plus from schools for the current year, plus even larger cuts for next year. Meanwhile he's planning a "stimulus package" to create jobs around the state by taking the education money to build pet projects for his friends. A library here, a golf course there. Meanwhile raising class sizes of the worst school system in the nation to historic highs, bypassing established state regulations for class size in order to do so, and even cutting school nurses.

Hundreds of millions in cuts for public education will then go to construction companies to build buildings or upgrade facilities for colleges around the state. So my buddies construction company gets millions, class sizes swell and teachers get cut. And he'll claim he's the education governor.

Plus! 52 million dollars goes to spiff up the capitol. Couldn't you build a completely new capitol for that much. Last time I checked, the capitol was looking pretty good. This is a heck of face lift.

Make no mistake. The goal of this governor and the Rebulican Party nationwide, is to run public education's ship on the rocks, to cause it to be so ruined, so septic, that no one can any longer say that public education is a good thing. Then finally the religious right can claim goverment vouchers to support their segregated, parochial, even hate mongering schools.

And Georgians are among that minority of Americans who cannot see that the time for racial prejudice is past so they will elect another Republican, perhaps even a worse one, when this good ole boy is finished.


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