Sunday, December 14, 2008

How can you give $700 billion to banking and then filibuster to stop the auto industry from getting any. The Repubs learned nothing from the election and are still at war with the American Middle Class.

As for the ruse that UAW wages and benefits are what is dragging the companies down, wages only make up 8% of the cost of a car and many Detroit models are already priced lower than their non-American counterparts.

And as for the economy myth, as in not enough fuel economy in Detroit models, well guess who makes the most 30 mpg cars. Ford. Hmmm.

If the Auto Makers fail, they will suck the American economy into a black hole. And is there any escape from a black hole? The suppliers to the auto makers will fail with out them to sell to and guess who these same suppliers also sell to--Toyoto, Lexus, Honda, Saab, etc. So those guys will go down the same drain at the same time. What maker would survive? I don't know. And the loss of a million high paying middle class jobs would start a new round of foreclosures, a new spiral of home prices falling, and perhaps the end of the American dream for the next 50 years.

Senator Shelby and his ilk must be stopped at all costs. If it takes throwing Alabama out of the union, do it!


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