Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I enjoyed going to the Tour Players Championship Final Round on Sunday and watching Phil Mickelson. Turns out he won the tournament. Very cool.

I get tired of seeing Repubs on TV and the internet trying to convince everyone that what they have to say is important. They keep running polls and saying, "See how Obama has fallen in the polls? Americans don't want his policies. We must go back to doing things the Repub way."

Talk about being out of touch. Since they have put themselves in such a weak position that they can't even slow down legislation in the House of Representatives or the Senate, (nor do they have any influence with the Whitehouse), they are trying to con Americans by ruling the media wars. But the only poll that matters, last November's election, didn't come out the way they were hoping.

How far out of power are they?
In the house of representatives they have 78 fewer voices than the Democratic Party: 256 to 178 (59% Democratic 41% Repub*)
In the senate they trail 60 to 40, obviously by the same percentages.
It is surprising that there is that consistency in percentages whether you figure it by states or by congressional districts.

On all the TV shows we get a representative of the Repubs and one from the Democrats. The Democrat answers questions and the Repub shouts down his/her answers. Civility and logic are lost characteristics for Repubs. But that distribution of voices isn't fair. It doesn't represent the country. There should be 3 Democratic voices for every 2 Republican. That would represent America.

Now the Democratic Party has been trying to play nice with the Repubs, accomplishing little and winning over only Olympia Snow on any issue, but the time has come to push the noisy bums out of the way and vote in the new Democratic agenda. It is what the people voted for. Change. Without regard to the haranging, threatening voices of the right, it is time to vote in change. They are threatening to withdraw from the Union (Uh, that's already been tried and didn't work). They are threatening to kill the president (the secret service stands directly in their way on this one). They are threatening to march on Washington (Did you see their pitiful march? About 70,000, heavily financed by big oil and the health insurance industry and that's all they could rally. 100 times that many Americans went to a ball game this week.)

The polls are irrelevant. Change is now coming. If they do it well it will steer America into safe waters for the next 50 years. Be fearless Democrats. Legislate.

*(I'll remind you that I've taken to calling the GOP "Repubs" because of the slanderous way they chosen to call the Democratic Party the "Democrat" party, as though it were some evil undemocratic entity).


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