Friday, April 29, 2005

At the same time the Bush administration is proposing tax cuts for those making over one million dollars a year that will line their pockets with an additional thirty-two BILLION dollars, he comes out for a social security reform that shifts money toward the poorest retirees and says the rich will have to tighten their belts to pay for it. Guess who he considers rich in this case? The fine print shows a forty percent reduction in benefits for those rich retirees who were making sixty thousand dollars a year when they retired. You make sixty thousand and he proposes poverty for you. You make a million a year, you reap a windfall.

Well what did you expect? Can a leopard change its spots?

I don't know if you are watching the stock market, but it is in the tank again since the last election. I'm back down 15,000 dollars. The market is yet to recover from the economic policies of the first four years. Now in the fifth year we are headed down again. Donald Radaczak, the economic wizard emeritus from Georgia State University says the stock market is about six months ahead of the rest of the economy. Hello world. The market is going down. Again. Last go round they blamed it on 911 and Bill Clinton. Who's going to step up for the blame this time? I know that five years of stagflation is killing those of us who hoped to retire soon. Looks like the religious right would begin to have some interest in their own well being and start giving the president advice on something other than their support for back alley abortion. No wonder this president needs twice as much security as the last one. Oh yeah, I forgot . . . "I'm a war president." And the war in Iraq, now completely off the front page, even the 81 billion dollar emergency request for money for that quagmire. When will that millstone be off from around our neck? Probably about the same time that social security starts down in 2042. And while we're at it, why don't we stuff the ranks of judges with crazy man James Dobson's picks for federal courts, even if we have to set fire to the Senate of the United States of America.

I'm only 53, but I've never seen a power grab like the one currently going on. Bad times coming if we can't slow this train.


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