Sunday, November 06, 2005

Cudos to Louis Gould for his article in yesterday's Houston Chronicle.

He highlights the problems of continuous campaigning by our leaders who should instead, be governing. A must read for thinking people. No he doesn't spare the democrats and yes he attacks the media as well. I think he is right.

I don't want to know what George Bush is doing today. I want him working so hard that he doesn't put his head up for air for weeks at a time. Let his minions report on what is going on. Let the media research what is going on instead of having the whitehouse tell them what the day's stories are. It's a big government. What is it doing media people?

I want to mention the most important American veteran in my family, my Dad. Papa is 82, lives alone and manages 16 acres and a vicious terrier (just kidding). When he was 17 he joined the Sea bees, later transferring to the Navy where he served the country in the Pacific ocean on the LST-460, a floating tin target for Japanese suicide bombers. At nineteen he found himself wounded and floating in that ocean as his LST sank to the bottom of the ocean. He could swim, so he was luckier than many of his friends. The officers were all killed in the blasts that sank the boat so he was adrift with a bunch of other boys about his age. While some of the men were in a raft, Dad was swimming, trying to catch a line from a passing ship and bring it back to the raft. As it worked out a sailor with a good arm threw a monkey's paw with a line attached right into the raft of my dad's buddies and that little group was saved. About half the men went down with the ship. Dad had been in the radio shack but came out to fire an AA gun. He thought they had shot down the kamakazie flyer, but as it went into the water just short of the ship, the ship blew up anyway. Forty years later, he'd learn that another suicide plane had hit them from the opposite direction. That was his last day of fighting the war and he finished the war in the hospital and in recovery.

He's old now. Hard to deal with. He sees the world with different eyes from me. He lived through the depression without a father, he lived through the war. He came home and helped build a country with hard work and tax dollars. He got a GED and went to American Television school on the GI bill, learning about electronics and bought a house with a VA loan. He's my favorite veteran. Happy veteran's day, Papa.

P.S. Don't anyone forward him a link to my blog. It would make him furious to read it, and why would we want to make him furious. It's okay if we are not the same.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I'm amused that there is a good article in the Chronicle. Texas is such a red state. ;)

Veteran's Day is Friday, we get it off work! But I don't know any veterans.

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

Even in a red state there have to be some thinking people.


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