Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cut taxes for the rich. Cut medicare. That's this year's budget.

Coverage of Iraq by the "liberal media" today in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution--Three inches in a single column on page A8, covering the 11 killed by roadside bombs and the 2 bulletriddled bodies that were found. Not to worry, they weren't American soldiers so they don't exist.

The paper is slammed viciously every day in op ed articles because they are a "liberal" paper.


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Dr. F said...

dear dr g.
been a while since I visited this blog...sorry. I was googling tonight for a piece I am singing (schubert auf dem strom...nifty) and found this blog by a pro pianist in nyc. his thoughts are insightful and i thought you might like to read him.

fondly from raleigh.

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

Thanks Dr. F. The guy is brilliant isn't he? Thanks for the "heads up."


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