Saturday, February 04, 2006

Unfortunately the Republican scandals are deeper and involve more money than we have heard about up until now. Staggering numbers, corruption at the highest levels.

You may want to read this one.

Who has the money?

Abramoff hasn't been just stealing a few million shekels from goofy millionaire Indians. He has another job.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Dr. G. said...

Hey friendly. Your ugly language is not "intellectual discourse." Are you a typical foul-mouthed slandering wing nut or can you actually express ideas? Have enough respect for others to express yourself without vulgarity and venom. Do you have a point? Make it. You are welcome to write anytime you have a point and can express it. I notice you didn't respond to any of my questions. Don't you have any answers! And you certainly haven't bothered me yet!


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