Saturday, March 25, 2006

I see there is a national poll now that says 51 % of Americans favor the impeachment of the president IF he lied about Iraq. I would ask, if he lied which time? About the intelligence? About the cost? About the duration? About WMD? About the reasons to go? About the military action being over?

Couldn't we just impeach him for bankrupting the country? If you had married someone like our preznit, and he took your personal finances from doing well and in the black, extra money each month, into a situation where you cannot see how you'll ever get out of debt and the certainty that your debt will be left for your children to pay, wouldn't you divorce that person?

Why do any Republicans cling to the preznit? Defending their "honor?" Abortion? Gun advocacy? They own an oil company, Haliburton subsidiary, drug company, or logging firm? Looks like the party leaders would get together and say, "George, it's been fun and all, but you should step aside now and let us see if we can get things under control before we get tossed out with you. Baby and the bath water and all. You understand." I mean . . . that is logical isn't it?

My imagery from the beginning for this king has been the same. The emperor has no clothes. You know that story would not exist nor would it have any resonance, except for the fact that these things do happen. People come to power and express an isolated point of view and people humor them and go along out of fear or pride or for whatever reason. What would their Republican friends think of them if they said "I can't see the emperor's clothes. Is there something wrong with me?" They might lose their place in the club.

I'm not for the distraction of impeachment. I want explanations for the war. I want fiscal solvency like we had with President Clinton. The corruption has escalated to the level of a banana republic. Let's talk about that every day. Loudly. Then vote the bums out.


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