Thursday, March 16, 2006

my day

5:50 can't sleep any more. get the paper. read the sorry news and idiot editorials, read blogs, write email, get ready for school.

7:20 wifey out the door to school. gather up things. leave at 7:50

8:00 in the chorus room (don't live far from school do I?) straighten. prepare for auditions. 8 o'clock student has erased her name from list. next student comes in sick, can't talk, much less sing. 8:30 begin auditions in treble choir. continue until 9:40.

9:50 chamber choir, direct student leaders to begin class as I study Orban score, looking for a way to teach the piece. unlock most of it and begin teaching. we are able to sing all but two pages successfully in ever increasing tempi. difficult, dissonant, chromatic, multirhythmic. Students feel empowered by working on it successfully. they are pumped because it is cool. sign college visit forms.

10:55 collect glee club in ensemble room, give them something to do while pulling out individuals to hear second portion of auditions for them for next year. all goes well until county electrical men run me out of the audition room to do electrical work behind me. A bulldozer in the courtyard working on the principals 25,000 dollar landscape improvement (solicited private donation) has severed the electrical to the other end of campus. lesson plan is awry. give out new music to the guys.

11:45 lunch. get in line for milk. get out my salad (thanks wifey) and try to eat. find out an alumni has been turned away from class by administration. walk to the office and make my case to get her into the next class. successful. able to get her back before she leaves the parking lot. miss half of lunch. Jamie is going to school with my nephew at anderson.

12:20 singers. reworking raminsh from last week. long vocal technique session to begin. some success. raminsh takes shape but we do not finish.

1:15 cover class for Cara during my planning. try to read some emails. why do people email so much junk? Cara returns and i remember, luckily I'm late for TAP meeting (miniature faculty meeting). new attendance nazi does 50 mind numbing minutes on how to take attendance. insulting. I can tell the faculty every thing she communicates (except her vitriol) in one sentence. "Mark missing students absent at the end of first period." how do you stretch that into an hour. what a collosal waste.

2:20 wild boys class. get them calm and working on stuff and hear 2nd portion of auditions in the office, watching them carefully through the window to prevent mayhem. hear 6 auditions. very productive.

3:30 begin voice lessons. very successful lessons today. students have all made progress since last I saw them and we have some mini breakthroughs. exciting. everyone is all smiles.

5:15 students come in from Oz rehearsal for musical rehearsal. accompanist is late. we wait and chat informally. I sit on the floor exhausted which makes them laugh and soon they are all sitting on the floor with me

5:35 Oz music rehearsal. make tapes for choreographers. we run over. stop at 6:35. 5 tapes made. good.

oddly, lock my keys in the office. I never do that. can't go home. begin search for janitor. they are good at hiding. leave parking lot at 6:55. home at 7:00. HA!

reheated Partner's for supper. yum. work on baseball draft ideas for a bit. fall asleep on couch at 9:00. Was going to blog and haven't. okay get it done.

10:50 blog won't publish. errors. oh well. off to bed.


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