Sunday, March 05, 2006

The preznit's foibles continue, but the conservative press merely mentions them and then let's them drop. Everything goes from the front page to the dust bin in a week. Ho hum. Iraq is on the back burners now that most of the casualties are Iraqi civilians. I remember hearing the preznit say that no one could have anticipated that the levies might not hold in New Orleans. Then they show us the video of him listening to the briefing of the impending disaster. This is the big one Mr. preznit, they say. But he had campaign stops to make out west and couldn't bother thinking about it. Or even think of a question.

I think that a big part of the nation has taken comfort in the kindly cowboy leadership of Ronny Reagan. We saw him in that white hat representing 20 mule team borax for all those years. Then we get little Georgie. Remember how he used to run around the place like a hellion. We'll put the hat on him and let him swagger around on his Texas farm talking tough. The people want an American leader who never looks back, talks tough to foreign leaders and to dissident Americans. "Love it or leave it. Let's Roll. Bring it on. Mission Accomplished. These colors never run. Stay the course." As the policies of the government break windows in household after household, gradually people are questioning the cowboy style leadership. In fact their is no leadership. And while the preznit vacations, the revenue of America is stolen by wealthy corporations and the uber rich. The spin meister on the TV today told me that Harry Truman had 23% approval rating at one time. He was making the tough calls like Dubya he said. Does that mean that the spinner thinks Harry was swell? I doubt it.

It's okay to be pro religion, pro life, pro guns, pro liberty, pro freedom, anti tax, etc., if you get my meaning. It is no longer okay to be pro Bush administration. Everyone must give that up and let's go on to something else.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger NYC Educator said...

How's about the wacky folks in Missouri proposing Christianity as the official religion?

Couldn't happen if not for GW.


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