Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Aren't you beginning to wonder what banner the Republicans are going to run under in November?

Are they going to call the Dem's tax and spend liberals? (As opposed to being Borrow and Spend, like the GOP).

Are they going to tell us the war in Iraq needs the continued stable leadership of their party to keep things going in the right direction?

After the Dubai port deal, can they sell that they are the party of strong security?

Digby says that there is a poll that shows 20 % of Republicans are in favor of congressional censure for the preznit.

Okay. So it looks like domestic policy and foreign policy cannot be used as issues. So what can we drum up to get the GOP vote out? Repackage abortion issues and make them look critical? But aren't the courts now lined up in their favor? Why would they need to vote about it? Okay back to homosexual marriage. We haven't used that one in awhile. And there has got to be some way to make the people more afraid of those Mexicans that keep showing up on construction job sites, working in the harvests, and shopping at Wal-mart. Shouldn't we be afraid of them?

There is a strong dissatisfaction among the American people with this Administration and the Republican congress that has "rubberstamped" every whim of the preznit, including the illegal ones. It's clear too, that the congress is in the pocket of big business. The drug companies and oil companies are raping America. (Why is it not news that gas prices just spiked forty cents a gallon?).

If the Democrats can think of anything to stand for, or if they have the nerve to stand against anything the preznit proposes, how can they lose? Surely it's time for them to make a move and say something. Thanks to Russ Feingold for his effort. No one it seems has the guts to follow.

I'll vote for censure Russ. Count me in.


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