Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Within the last 24 hours I've signed on Dr. A to work as my assistant director for next year. Hurray. She is supremely qualified and nice. In addition I passed the In-Tech certification test of the Professional Standards Commission on my first try today, avoiding any study for it, or taking the dreaded In-Tech course. Whew. I was nervous about it and had put it off until the last minute.

I've been doing auditions for who knows how long now at all times of day. It is always amazing to see what students have learned in the course of a year. I'm hearing quite a number of excellent girls and not nearly so many good boys. The guys are just not serious enough about learning to read. Disappointing. I'm not putting anyone up that doesn't deserve it. Hearing some excellent readers though. Some aren't missing a note. Little Hannah, wow, what a sound. Singers bound, but she has no idea. I wonder what it is like at home when your daughter comes home and says, "Mom, I made Singers." How does it feel to realize your daughter is in one of the country's premiere women's groups. They amaze me every day.


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