Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So much for the "Boy Crisis."

Isn't it FUNNY that last week's plan by the CUT AND RUN Democrats is . . .

This week's plan for REDEPLOYMENT by the administration. Let's see. When to start bringing them home. Uh is two month before the election soon enough? Isn't it a bad idea to make war a political game for political gain.

The preznit is a CUT AND RUN coward. Oh wait. We already knew that (shades of Alabama National Guard).

Say, the preznit's numbers are up up up. Killing Al-Zarqawi, a quick photo op trip to Bagdad, and the capture of that horrible terrorist cell in Miami have cheered the base. Things are going well in the War on Terror.

Truth is, things are worse than ever in Iraq. The eternal campaigner is always campaigning somewhere (Does he ever work?). And the Miami seven are an incredible joke. What are they gonna charge them with--talking ugly? No weapons, no plans, Christian not Muslim, angry young black men. Why don't they arrest all the young black men? Did you hear the FBI guy say that one of them had "been to Chicago once?"

"More aspirational than operation." I'll bet money there is a file on me for writing this blog.


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