Saturday, June 24, 2006

Well there is a big hullabaloo in Atlanta over a cartoon in the AJC by Mike Luckovich's cartoon a day or so ago. I can't figure out how to copy it here or I would. Here's a link that works today. Go there and scroll down.

I have been aghast that under the current president our government is becoming more and more like the government of the soviet union during my formative years. It's now okay to spy on our citizens, kidnap and torture people we are suspicious are our enemies and hold them without trial. Our news media outlets just report propaganda in many cases (of course most notably FOX news). Elections are as suspect as in banana republics, and the poor and elderly are being robbed and disenfranchised. Georgia plans to disenfranchise over 600,000 of the poor and elderly prior to the next election in the fall. We have made war on a country that could not threaten or make war on us, without provocation. We give a contracts without bids. Whoever heard of that?

I've always thought the world at least thought that the USA stood for right over wrong. But it's clear the the world is not holding that opinion of us today. I'm ashamed of many of our policies too. The torture policies of the administration are beyond belief. How can we stand for it? We must go back to being America again. The American empire must go.

Roman Berry says it way better than me in today's AJC letters.


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