Thursday, April 05, 2007

The preznit continues his spirit of cooperation by the recess appointment of a 77 year old swift boater for "truth" who was bottled up in committee and an advocate of social security privatization who has already been rejected by the congress. So the king stays in town to pay back more cronies during Easter recess just so he can use that emergency provision. Not to mention that he has the media to himself. They have nothing to cover with congress out of town so we are getting these almost daily appearances by his sourpussness to whine his "give me a clean bill and give it to me now" speechification. What ever happened to the president's appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the senate? Notice that he had his republican congress pass a way around this provision for the appointment of attorneys general as well. Otherwise we wouldn't have the current flap because he couldn't have gotten Rove's buddies past the senate.

You may call me a liberal to read my blog, but I think I'm a moderate. I'm tolerant of other people's opinions (if I don't have to listen to them constantly). There is room in my world for people to be "gay" or ethnic or muslim. I think we can learn from one another. But I have a conservative streak. I think the government could do better with our tax money. I think the budget could balance most of the time. They could run the government like a fledgling business, in a butler building instead of in the finest office space. And we are busy building bridges to nowhere, and roads to nowhere to show how important our representatives are. Think about it. Alaska and Wyoming combined have 4 senators and 4 representatives and 1/5th the number of people that are in Atlanta. Should they really be states instead of territories? It is questionable. The designers of the constitution did not have them in mind. Too much power in the hands of too few. Yes, I know there is Rhode Island as a precedent.

I think the government should help people. We haven't helped Katrina victims very well. I think the government should stay out of foreign conflicts whenever possible. Lying to get into a conflict so you can strut up and down in a flight jacket and puff "mission accomplished" is treasonous and should get you hanged.

I think the FBI and the CIA shouldn't be using illegal means to eavesdrop on Americans. I expect that before long the government will be using devices to read out "irises" to track our every movement. 1984 in 2010. It seems that we are slipping toward totalitarianism with this hard turn to the right that occurred in 1994. They said we were turning back to the good old days of American might and American godliness. But it looks like to me we've turned back toward intolerance, hate speech, name calling, bitterness, and bludgeoning weak nations that oppose us and our allies if they don't support us.

I thought the preznit might try to work with the congress after the last election. He has no intention of doing anything but following his own direction down paths that are now proven to be roads to catastrophe. The congress must stop him.


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