Friday, April 06, 2007

So on the same day that the Pentagon releases more de-classified documents which state that there is no credible evidence of a Saddam/al Qaida link, the vice preznit comes out with a diatribe "Oh yes there was! Oh yes there was!" If he has some super secret documents that the Pentagon is not privy to, now would be a good time to release them. Rather, he is depending on the repub tactic called "say it often, repeat it loudly, and people will believe it."

When your fan base is down to 30 percent of the public you are down to hard core people on your side. They need someone to stir them up once in awhile so the base doesn't slip any lower. They need Cheney's reassurance to be able to say "See, if Cheney says it, that's good enough for me. He is in a position to know and he won't cover up the truth." The same people believe the moon landings were filmed in the desert and that UFO's land regularly in Area 54 (if that is the right number). They think Bush and Cheney are Bible believing leaders, chosen by God. About the only Bible believing politician I ever met was Jimmy Carter and man does he stick in their craw. He's way too much like Jesus, all that concern for the poor and needy. If you get a chance to go to Plains on Sunday and hear him teach Sunday School, I recommend it. Arrive early.


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