Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The surge and the Easter Bunny.

Lies and stonewalling. Pentagon reports showing a worsening of stability in southern Iraq, were held up until after Patraeus spoke last week. Sad but true. Check the Post.

" A top House Democrat began an inquiry on Tuesday into accusations that the State Department's inspector general repeatedly interfered with investigations into fraud and abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan, including security defects at the new United States Embassy in Baghdad." Apparently information that might prove embarrassing to the preznit cannot be obtained from the office whose job is to keep up with such things. The white house is obfuscating the facts, again. Read it in the Times.

Was Bush really crying on TV over the death of a fake "sheik"? Is Al-Qaida in Iraq also fake? Is the surge our salvation? Read an up close account from Greg Palast.

The 22 most corrupt members of congress? Geez, Louise. Four are even democrats.


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