Tuesday, September 04, 2007

When watching the latest campaign by the preznut, remember that the emperor really is naked. We are supposed to believe that the “surge” has produced remarkable changes in Iraq. Things have stabilized. The preznut’s lackey Patraeus, is prepared to stand before congress this month and read whatever report on Iraq that the repub party has prepared for him. Every day one of the administration’s minions is on TV telling how all is now well in Iraq. In fact, things are going so well that we may bring home a few troops leaving only 100,000 or so over there for the rest of our lives. Meanwhile the Army is signing up young men and women for “quick deployment”, three months of training then on to Iraq, by giving them a year’s salary as a signing bonus. A mathematical look at things shows that there is no improvement in Iraq.

The preznit’s strategy is to keep the debacle going until he is out of office. The tragedies that are sure to follow American withdrawal—the slaughter of all who may be thought to have collaborated with us, the escalation of the civil war, etc., will happen on the following Democratic President’s watch, enabling the repubs to proclaim, "You weaklings surrendered. You are destroying America."

History will not forget what we have done there. There will be a price for us to pay.


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