Friday, March 14, 2008

Governor Sonny, why do you keep cutting the funds to education? Oh, I get it. If you can starve public education to death then you can claim that it is a failure and go to private systems only. We will get you and your kind out of office before that happens.

I have liked all the main candidates in the democratic primaries this season. Hillary Clinton has clearly lost, though by a small margin. But a loss is a loss. She should admit it and withdraw. If she now finagles a win from the convention then the system is broken, the people will feel robbed, and the Repubs will remain in power when many democrats stay home in November. It is time to withdraw. Barack is the guy. Let's hope he is as good as his speeches.

Eight years of Bushonomics has ruined the retirement funds of many baby boomers. The preznit wanted to eliminate social security (it would follow the company pension plan into oblivion) and go to private retirement accounts. Well investing in the economy according to Bush over the plas 8 years, our dollars have not even kept up with inflation. The little guy always lose. We get 2 percent interest, pay 8 percent interest and when we invest in banks, the banks fail. Where does the money go? Someone has the money don't they?


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