Friday, May 02, 2008

It is useless to add my voice to the political fray these days. So much is being said that is pointless that it becomes impossible to make a point. We can watch "Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb Iran" on you tube. Jeremiah Wright is touring. He's pretty much a nut case at times, though I haven't heard him say much about the country that I thought he was that off base on. His statements on damning America have been said by many if not most preachers. Turn from your wicked ways or be damned. Sounds like Charles Stanley or the late Homer Lindsey. How many times have we heard America's wickedness compared to that of pagan ancient Rome. Words that are not politically correct. But theologically . . . you can certainly make a case for them. They aren't words to be sung at a ball game. It's a bit more serious.

Is there any end or slow down in sight for the war in Iraq? Will the preznit light a fire to Iran before he leaves office? If he does, I call for the violent overthrow of the Presidency.

Gas has gone from $1.44 to $3.67 during the "Mission Accomplished" era. That is a lot of change (hee hee). Seriously, it all comes out of the pocket of the American consumer. You can say, poor truckers, poor commuters, poor airlines, but we all pay for it, don't we. With all that money going overseas, there has to be tremendous job loss in America. Areas like Detroit are not in recession, but in depression, and they have been there for a while without anyone being able to come up with a way to help them. It's okay to spend trillions to protect our pride, but nothing can be spent to help hundreds of thousands of people who aren't working. That would be a handout. Handouts-baaaaaad. Torturing and slaughtering nameless faceless strangers--gooooood.

We do live in the last days of the Roman empire.


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