Monday, March 31, 2008

Chocolate milk is a lovely luxury.

Spring is having a hard time making its entrance this year. Oh the flowers are peeking out on some azaelas and the dogwoods are coming out. The Bradford pears have come and gone, but the cold lingers. Neither the dog or I like it.

A blast from the past. Zbigniew Brzezinski, now that's a name to hang on a kid isn't it. No worry about naming your kid Zbigniew and having the name show up on the top 10 list by the first grade. Anyway, the former advisor to the Carter administration had an article in the Washington Post yesterday. Quotes below:

"In brief, the war has become a national tragedy, an economic catastrophe, a regional disaster and a global boomerang for the United States. Ending it is thus in the highest national interest.

". . . if the American people had been asked more than five years ago whether Bush's obsession with the removal of Saddam Hussein was worth 4,000 American lives, almost 30,000 wounded Americans and several trillion dollars -- not to mention the less precisely measurable damage to the United States' world-wide credibility, legitimacy and moral standing -- the answer almost certainly would have been an unequivocal "no."

Thanks Zbigniew. I agree.


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