Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It is not being reported in the news, but apparently Barack Obama actually won the Texas primary and caucus. Hillary Clinton got slightly more of the popular vote, but lost the caucuses by a wide enough margin that Obama got more delegates overall, and it's delegates that make the difference.

Congratulations Barack. So much for the Clinton momentum. She didn't win 2 of 2 last time out. In fact, we could say that Obama won the last one so big mo must be in his corner, right. Only no one is mentioning it on TV. Hmmm, does this mean they are for Clinton and not Obama?

No one is talking about that approximately 100,000 Republicans crossed over in Texas to vote for Hillary. Not because they are for Hillary. Heaven's no. Rather, they think she would be much easier to beat so they want her to be the candidate. The Repubs are tricky. They want to pick the Democratic candidate and then defeat him, er her.


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