Monday, April 18, 2005

Moving is an overwhelming event. We are tired, but happy to be settling.

Will the Republican party change 200 years of history and make the approval of lifetime appointments to the federal bench simply a party line rubber stamp for which ever party is in power. The Democrats have held up 10 of Dubya's appointments while approving, do you know the number? 204. They are really holding up the process aren't they? The Republicans will not be satisfied until there is a complete tyranny of the majority over the minority. That was not the intention of the founders of the country. They believed in compromise and checks and balances. Not far behind totalitarian rule by one party with come acts of violence. I wonder if saying that on a blog will result in my investigation by the Homeland Security Department?

Carter has returned from Argentina and Uraguay. What an interesting adventure he had. The photos are amazing. Easily the most interesting thing to me was his encounter with Carlos Paez VilarĂ³, a rather famous Picasso pupil, who now in his 80's was still painting and entertained the boys in his studio and later in his home.

The drama department is doing a play in the chorus room this weekend and they have taken over the place today. We managed to carry on, but it was quite a change to have their set up in the room. Finally it is really warm. Today got up near 80 and I was warm outside. Of course that meant that we had to have mega air conditioning inside and so I was cold in the building. Why do we think that just because we can make air 55 degrees that it is a good idea to blow 55 degree air on people. Ridiculous.

I've gotten some cool display cases from Walmart that utilize little powerful magnets in order to display my old baseball cards. It is pretty neat to have them out where you can look at them. My favorites? 56 Micky Mantle, 54 Kaline, 56 Berra, 56 Eddie Mathews, 55 Warren Spahn, 55 Ted Williams, and many others, Snider, Koufax, Aaron, Killebrew, Whitey Ford, Mays, Rizzuto, Aparicio, Kubek, Richardson, Skowran, Bauer, Ernie Banks, and on and on.


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