Sunday, February 19, 2006

Don't say something about the "liberal" media around me because I may haul off and punch you! I can't understand why some loser spending part of his Katrina money on a tatoo is news, over and over and over again. How much can a tatoo cost? And what do I care about what someone does with relief money we give them. Obviously not a very constructive choice by that person, but maybe "I survived Katrina" is just what they need. So lets imagine that that the offender spent $500 on their tatoo. And let's imagine that all the newspaper coverage combined was 1/2 page of coverage, and that all the TV mentions of the issue came to 10 minutes.

Now shift gears to Haliburton subsideraries in Iraq. 8.8 BILLION dollars is missing. So that should get even more press than the tatoo right. Actuatlly they are getting about the same, but the Iraq deal is a little bigger deal.

16,600,000 TIMES BIGGER. If we cover the tatoo at all, amusing anecdote that it is, how big would the paper have to be fairly cover the Haliburton debacle? To be the same as the tatto coverage, the newspaper would have to give 1000 PAGES OF COVERAGE A DAY FOR OVER 22 YEARS. The TV would have to cover the Haliburton scandal, 24 HOURS A DAY, FOR OVER 300 YEARS, to make the coverage equal.

You better not say "liberal" media where I can hear you.


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