Thursday, February 09, 2006

For the full report, take a look at

But I'll quote some of it here. That new budget from the preznit is really fat. Don't you wonder what is in there? I've heard on TV that it isn't real nice for the poor. But there were no details. Probably just the liberal media whining. You know those liberals, always whining. So here are some of the things included by the compassionate conservatives. We have to have these cuts to offset tax cuts for America's richest people. Oh yes and he is proposing the largest budget ever and the largest deficit. So much for small government and balanced budgets.

Medicaid patients will be forking over higher co-payments and deductibles. College loans will be more costly for students from working and middle class homes. Bye-bye federal aid for child support enforcement. And while you're at it, you ladies getting government assistance, you're just gonna have to work a little bit harder.

the programs singled out for elimination:
food for low-income seniors, assistance for disadvantaged students seeking to finish high school and go to college, preventive healthcare for "under-served populations"... Bush seeks to cut $105 billion out of Medicare, gut the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the National Institute of Health (particularly singling out programs dealing with cancer, blood diseases and heart and lung diseases for the Bush touch). His cuts to Federal education funding-- at every level-- are the biggest in the entire history of our country.

Remember the first responders-- firefighters, policemen, emergency medical services? Cuts across the board for all, from over 50% to 80%. You live in an area with a meth problem? You're on your own, suckers; the programs are eliminated.

he's also trying to cut the Army Corps of Engineers by over 11%-- you know, the men and women trying to fix the mess he made of New Orleans.

When it comes to medical care, veterans and their families are treated with the contempt with which the Bush family and their wealthy allies hold all people of modest means. Even enlisted men will suffer, grievously, in the healthcare arena from Bush's hatred of the non-rich as health care enrollment fees double and triple. So called "middle income" veterans ($27,000 to $40,000/year) are kicked out of the VA programs and prescription drugs double for all vets.


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