Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Republican party has done a video portraying the Democratic party as "the evil empire" and themselves as the band of rebels (luke skywalker, et al fighting against tax and spend liberals). How do they do it without laughing? Can they possibly be that clueless? The daily show has it right. You control both houses of congress, the courts, and the whitehouse. You are the evil empire! John Stewart says the democrats are the ewoks, but remember, they got the job done.

Getting a lot done on my week off. Trying to plan an alternative to All-State Chorus for next year. Something better perhaps. Made a proposal to UGA yesterday. Set up a picture day for my students in their uniforms. Working on details for this year's all-state (next week) and the Choral Workshop the next week. I think I have secured an assistant for next year. She is highly qualified, with a doctorate and experienced. How lucky can I get. People will think I have made a deal with the devil for sure. But no, it's just God rewarding me for a good life, I'm sure.

I drug a huge crepe myrtle over to the house via Ralph's truck. It had been dug out at the school. About 25 years old, it will be a great addition to the backyard if it will ever stop raining this week so I can plant it. I need a really big hole.

We are headed to the High Museum today to see Andrew Wyeth's work. I'll let you know how that is. It's only here for another week. We have tickets in NYC now for all of the following when we travel there in April: (eat your heart out) Chicago; Don Pasquale (@ the Met); Wicked; and the Odd Couple (with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick). Won't that be so cooool. I love the orange hybiscus blooming in the beach house and the eastern bluebird that visits the feeder. Yesterday we had the bluebird, goldfinches, and a cardinal all at once.

I'm looking for a new and better digital SLR with interchangeable lenses. Suggestions any one? Comments about the Canon 20D? Does someone love the color on theirs. How about response times between pushing the shutter and the actual capture. Fugi is too slow I hear, but the color great. Also I'm concerned about having a fantasticly accurate auto focus. For only 4000 I can get an EOS 1. Oh well. My Olympus E-10 is hit or miss on focus. Very annoying. And hey! I'm really good with a camera. There is something weird about this one.


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