Sunday, April 23, 2006

a billion dollars

Under the leadership of our first Republican in a hundred or so years, a billion dollars has been taken out of the education budget in Georgia during the past two years. Oddly, they are running a billion dollar surplus this year. Any plans to put any of the money back? Well, no.

I meant to blog yesterday, but after juning around on the golf cart all afternoon, I ran out of energy. Prom was exciting on Saturday night, but since I stayed to clean up, it was late for me getting home.

I'll have to say that Ted Kennedy is my senator. I don't get to vote for him. I'm stuck down here in racial hatred land, where no Democrat could be elected senator these days. My district votes 70 to 80 percent Republican, so it hardly matters if I vote, though I do go to let them know there is some opposition. When you talk about Kennedy the opposition just runs out Chappaquidick immediately. Sad for Ted (and his date) that somehow he was involved in Mary Jo's death. Then he was so immature that he did not report his dilemma in a timely fashion. (Reminds one of Cheney's recent problems, except that Cheney managed not to kill his friend, and Cheney is not immature). I do wonder however, how the opposition just manages to ignore what the man has to say. The words just make sense. His concern for others is genuine. His plans for action are clear and logical. He avoids partisan bickering, but is not afraid to call a spade a spade. He has no comfort for the evildoers, slackers, and corporate robber barons. He is wealthy and not against taxes. I feel like I've had smelling salts applied to the dizziness of my understanding of politics after listening to him for a few minutes. Ted Kennedy is my senator.


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